Do you want to know how much do water bottles weigh? Read on to find out the weight of plastic, stainless steel and glass bottles.

Do you want to know how much does 5 gallons of water weigh exactly? Check out this post for the answer and more water weight facts!

Do you want to know how much is 16.9 oz of water in milliliters, liters or cups? This post covers it all about 16.9 oz water bottles.

Do you want to know how many water bottle is 2 liters? Well, it depends on the size of the bottles we are talking about, but here's a possible answer.

Do you want to know how many water bottles for a gallon? Well, it depends, but check out this article for a possible answer.

Do you want to know how many water bottles is 2.7 liters? Well, it depends, but check out this post for a possible answer and some helpful info.